
The stability of extemporaneously prepared oxandrolone oral suspensions was studied. Oxandrolone oral suspension (1 mg/mL) was prepared using oxandrolone tablets, Ora-Plus, and either Ora-Sweet or Ora-Sweet SF. Three identical samples of each formulation were prepared and stored in 2-oz amber plastic bottles with child-resistant caps at room temperature (23-25 °C). After thorough but gentle shaking by hand to prevent foaming, a 1-mL sample was withdrawn from each of the six bottles, diluted with mobile phase to an expected concentration of 200 μg/mL, and assayed in duplicate by injecting 5 μL into the high-performance liquid chromatography system immediately after preparation and at 7, 14, 35, 60, and 90 days. The samples were examined for any change in color or pH on each day of analysis. The stability of the suspensions was determined by calculating the percentage of the initial oxandrolone concentration remaining on each test day. Stability was defined as the retention of at least 90% of the initial oxandrolone concentration. At least 98% of the original oxandrolone concentration remained in both formulations at the end of the 90-day study period. There was no appreciable change in odor, taste, color, or pH. Both suspensions remained white in color and sweet with no aftertaste throughout the study period. The oxandrolone was easily resuspended with gentle shaking. Extemporaneously prepared suspensions of oxandrolone 1 mg/mL in 1:1 mixtures of Ora-Plus and either Ora-Sweet or Ora-Sweet SF were stable for at least 90 days when stored in 2-oz amber plastic bottles at room temperature.

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