
We use recent work of Jonah Blasiak (2012 arXiv:1209.2018) to prove a stability result for the coefficients in the Kronecker product of two Schur functions: one indexed by a hook partition and one indexed by a rectangle partition. We also give nearly sharp bounds for the size of the partition starting with which the Kronecker coefficients are stable. Moreover, we show that once the bound is reached, no new Schur functions appear in the decomposition of Kronecker product. We call this property superstability. Thus, one can recover the Schur decomposition of the Kronecker product from the smallest case in which the superstability holds. The bound for superstability is sharp. Our study of this particular case of the Kronecker product is motivated by its usefulness for the understanding of the quantum Hall effect (Scharf T et al 1994 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen 27 4211–9).

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