
Over the years, Tanjung Piai in Johore had experienced severe coastal erosion due to dredging of navigation channel and high frequency of wake waves created by growing number of ships using the Straits of Malacca, Tebrau Straits and Port of Tanjung Pelepas. As a result, a stone revetment was proposed and designed by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) to contained and dissipate wave energy at the eroded mangrove area. The aim of this study therefore is to assess the performance of the stone revetment via hydraulic physical modelling. The experiment was conducted in a wave and flow flume, adopting a scaled model of 1:7. The model was tested for stabilities and wave overtoppings under 20 and 100 years Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) wave conditions, as required in the design report commissioned by DID. The results showed no damage criterion and no overtopping occurred under 20 years ARI waves. However, in the case of 100 years ARI waves, damage criterion of Nd = 7.12% and overtopping discharges, Qp = 34.4 l/s/m was calculated, which still falls within the permitted limits.

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