
The experimental material was evaluated in Randomized Block Design (R.B.D.) with three replications under three different sowing dates at Post Graduate Institute Research Farm, MPKV Rahuri. The 16 Promising genotypes of sesame were obtained from Oil Seed Research Station, Jalgaon. Including check variety JLT-408 and PT-1 were sown in three different Sowing Dates viz., 16 June 2019, 1 July 2019 and 16 July 2019 in Kharif 2019. The observations were recorded on ten characters viz., Days to 50 per cent flowering, Days to maturity, Plant height at maturity, Number of branches per plant, Number of capsules per plant, Number of seeds per capsule, Length of capsule, 1000 seed weight, Seed yield per plant and Oil content. It is revealed that an environment E1 i.e., sowing of sesamum in 3rd week of June was found most favourable for expression of most of the characters including seed yield. Linear and non-linear component of G x E interactions were found significant for all the characters under study. The genotypes under study showed differential stability performance for all the characters. Considering the mean yield performance, the genotype KMR-24 found suitable to grow under rich environment i.e., 3rd week of June (E1) and none of the other genotype were found suitable to grow under poor environment i.e., 3rd week of July (E3). The genotypes AT-255, JLS-07-05, RT-215, PT-1 and JLT-408 shows average stable performance for most of the characters.

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