
A traffic survey using an unmanned aerial vehicle on the Haixia road in Chongqing, China found a significant correlation between the velocity of the vehicle and the distance of the vehicle when moving forward and laterally. To mitigate driving disruptions owing to vehicle intrusion at a desired distance, personal space (PS) is introduced to analyze the car-following behavior of continuous mixed traffic flow formed by human-driven (HD) vehicles and cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) vehicles. PS is a virtual boundary that refers to the space where psychological tension is caused by the invasion of others. Further, an intelligent driver model (IDM) was used to establish a mixed traffic car-following PS-IDM. The stability of the disturbance transfer function analytical model in homogeneous and heterogeneous traffic flows was used to calculate the traffic flow stability region under different CACC vehicle permutations. The results show that the PS-IDM-based car-following model effectively improves the stability fitting effect of mixed traffic flow, and the driving comfort is increased by up to 20.7% when compared with that of the single car-following model. In addition, there is a negative correlation between the PS and the unstable velocity range of the traffic flow. Compared with the homogeneous HD traffic flow, the average intrusion rate of homogeneous CACC traffic flow is reduced by 4.6%, and the driving comfort of vehicles is improved by approximately 65%.

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