
Abstract The stability of implicit semi-Lagrangian schemes for time-integration of the non-hydrostatic atmosphere dynamics equations is analyzed in the present paper. The main reason for the instability of the considered class of schemes is the semi-Lagrangian advection of stratified thermodynamic variables coupled to the fixed point iteration method used to solve the implicit in time upstream trajectory computation problem. We identify two types of unstable modes and obtain stability conditions in terms of the scheme parameters. Stabilization of sound modes requires the use of a pressure reference profile and time off-centering. Gravity waves are stable only for an even number of fixed point method iterations. The maximum time step is determined by inverse buoyancy frequency in the case when the reference profile of the potential temperature is not used. Generally, applying time off-centering and reference profile to pressure variable is necessary for stability. Using reference profile for potential temperature and an even number of the iterations allows one to significantly increase the maximum time-step value.

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