
The buildup of tailings in China has expanded dramatically with economic development and industrial demand, and the safety of tailings reservoirs has become increasingly serious. Due to the difficulty in finding a new reservoir site, the expansion approach of building a new tailings dam downstream of the original reservoir area was investigated. The stability of the tailings reservoir after expansion was calculated using the traditional dynamic and static stability solution method and taking into account the unpredictability of dam construction materials and tailings material parameters in the reservoir area. The results reveal that throughout the tailings accumulation process in the new reservoir, the tailings will build a back pressure slope at the original reservoir’s initial dam, which can considerably improve the original reservoir’s dynamic and static stability. The Monte Carlo method clearly outperforms older methods for tailing pond stability analysis. The results of this paper’s calculations will give a theoretical foundation and practical reference for the later management and maintenance of such tailings reservoirs, as well as fresh ideas and insights for comparable projects due to limited site selection.

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