
Model-based methods utilize atmospheric scattering model to effectively dehaze images but introduce unwanted artifacts. By contrast, recent model-free methods directly restore dehazed images by an end-to-end network and avoid artificial errors. However, their dehazing ability is limited. To address this problem, we combine the advantages of supervised and unsupervised learning and propose a semisupervised knowledge distillation network for single image dehazing named SSKDN. Specially, we respectively build a supervised learning branch and an unsupervised learning branch by four attention-guided feature extraction blocks. In the supervised learning branch, the network is optimized by synthetic images. In the unsupervised learning branch, we dehaze real-world images by dark channel prior and refine dehazing network (RefineDNet) (another dehazing method) and use these dehazed images as fake ground truths to optimize network using prior information and knowledge distillation. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world images demonstrate that the proposed SSKDN performs better than state-of-the-art methods and owns powerful generalization ability.

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