
The cutting-edge RGB saliency models are prone to fail for some complex scenes, while RGB-D saliency models are often affected by inaccurate depth maps. Fortunately, light field images can provide a sufficient spatial layout depiction of 3D scenes. Therefore, this paper focuses on salient object detection of light field images, where a Similarity Retrieval-based Inference Network (SRI-Net) is proposed. Due to various focus points, not all focal slices extracted from light field images are beneficial for salient object detection, thus, the key point of our model lies in that we attempt to select the most valuable focal slice, which can contribute more complementary information for the RGB image. Specifically, firstly, we design a focal slice retrieval module (FSRM) to choose an appropriate focal slice by measuring the foreground similarity between the focal slice and RGB image. Secondly, in order to combine the original RGB image and the selected focal slice, we design a U-shaped saliency inference module (SIM), where the two-stream encoder is used to extract multi-level features, and the decoder is employed to aggregate multi-level deep features. Extensive experiments are conducted on two widely used light field datasets, and the results firmly demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed SRI-Net.

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