
At ambient pressure CeRhIn5 is an incommensurate antiferromagnet with Néel temperature TN = 3.8 K. The application of pressure reduces TN and yields (1) a state in which AFM coexists with superconductivity, and then (2) a superconducting state in the absence of AFM. We report transverse-field muon spin relaxation (μSR) measurements at pressures 2.07 and 2.26 GPa in the pure superconducting state of single-crystalline CeRhIn5, which has a tetragonal structure. μSR is sensitive to the local field distribution produced by the vortex lattice in a mixed superconducting state, allowing a measurement of the magnetic field penetration depth λ(T). We measured λab(T) for applied field along the c-axis as a function of temperature T, and find λab(0) = 372(5) nm and 338(6) nm for P = 2.07 GPa and 2.26 GPa, respectively. The temperature dependence of the superfluid density ρs(T) ∝ λ−2(T) was found to be ρs(T) ∝ Tn with n = 1.9(2).

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