
Every year, the number of dental implants (DI) installed worldwide is increasing. Therefore, interactions between the implants and the host might reach clinical relevance, particularly with long‐term use. Thirteen patients, including 10 females and 3 males aged 59 to 90 years, were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) adjacent to DI. Eight patients had a history of exposure to known risk factors. One patient reported regular consumption of tobacco for 15 years. Among the differential diagnoses established, a malignant or premalignant lesion was not considered in 10 out of the 13 patients. Peri‐implantitis was the most common preliminary diagnosis. All patients underwent surgical treatment, which consisted of wide resection and neck dissection. Ten patients remained alive, and no follow‐up information was available for the other 3 cases. Suspicious lesions with treatment failure that persist for more than 2 weeks require biopsy and histopathologic analysis to establish an early definitive diagnosis. Every year, the number of dental implants (DI) installed worldwide is increasing. Therefore, interactions between the implants and the host might reach clinical relevance, particularly with long‐term use. Thirteen patients, including 10 females and 3 males aged 59 to 90 years, were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) adjacent to DI. Eight patients had a history of exposure to known risk factors. One patient reported regular consumption of tobacco for 15 years. Among the differential diagnoses established, a malignant or premalignant lesion was not considered in 10 out of the 13 patients. Peri‐implantitis was the most common preliminary diagnosis. All patients underwent surgical treatment, which consisted of wide resection and neck dissection. Ten patients remained alive, and no follow‐up information was available for the other 3 cases. Suspicious lesions with treatment failure that persist for more than 2 weeks require biopsy and histopathologic analysis to establish an early definitive diagnosis.

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