
Abstract Objective To assess the value of sputum neutrophil elastase as a biomarker of severity in cases of non-cystic fibrosis bronchectasis & cystic fibrosis. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted on 50 bronchiectasis patients aged from 1 to 13 years presented to pediatric chest clinic and department of Ain shams university hospital., there were classified into 2 groups; Group A cystic fibrosis patients(30) and group B non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients(20). Inclusion criteria :children aged from 1 to 16 years, patients were diagnosed with bronchiectasis clinically and with HRCT chest and cystic Fibrosis patients were diagnosed by positive sweat chloride test and genetic study. Exclusion Criteria includes no other known chronic lung diseases. All patients were evaluated by full medical history and full clinical examination, the following lab investigations were done :sweat chloride test, CFTR mutation study, sputum sampling and culture. Quantitative sputum neutrophil elastase assay was done, and the severity of disease was assessed using clinical scores as SK score ,FACED score and bronchiectasis severity index and by using radiological scores as Bhalla and modified Reiff score. Results Steatorrhea was more prevalent among cystic fibrosis patients (80%) than non-CF bronchiectasis patients (0%).(P = 0.00). Clubbing was more prevalent among non -cystic fibrosis bronchectasis (10) (50 %), than cystic fibrosis (2 patients) (6.7 %).(P = 0.00). In cystic fibrosis, neutrophil elastase was significantly higher among severe group (126 ng/mL) than among the moderate (30 ng/mL) and mild (16 ng/mL) groups.(P = 0.00). While in non-CF bronchiectasis patients, neutrophil elastase was significantly higher among severe group (67 ng/mL) than among the moderate (24 ng/mL) and mild (11 ng/mL) groups.(P = 0.00) Conclusion There was a significant correlation between sputum neutrophil elastase and disease severity in bronchiectasis (both cystic fibrosis and non-CF).

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