
Lentil and Chickpea seeds were used to investigated the effect of seed sprouting using tap and saline water on sprout growth, proximate analysis, energy, minerals content, anti-nutritional compounds and amino acid profile of sprouted samples comparing with dry seeds. Result revealed that higher NaCl concentration > 2000 ppm reduce sprouts radical length of both lentil and chickpea. Sterilized seeds sprouting using tap water and non-sterilized seeds sprouting using saline water decreased sprout moisture content and carbohydrate which resulting in reducing faecal and total coliform counts for both lentil and chickpea. Moreover these treatment increased protein content and energy, (Kcal /g) as compared with dry seeds and other treatments. Sprouting decreased antinutritional compounds compared with dry seeds with sharbly decreament in phytic acid followed by taninins content. Mineral content in sprouts were recorded. The chickpea sprout sample using steralized seeds with tap water for sprouting serve as good sources calcium and phosphorous . Amino acid profile of lentil and chickpea sprouts were also studied. Sprouts using saline water recorded higher lysine amino acid value compared with dry seeds while non-steralized chickpea seeds sprouts using saline water recorded the higher total sulpher amino acid (Methionen + Cystiean) value. Based on these results, sprouting process is recommended to increase nutritive value and decreased antinutritional compounds of lentil and chickpea seeds.

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