
The aim of this article is to answer the following questions: 1. How do teachers teach oral proficiency in German? 2. Are there any consistent oral proficiency methods for German in use in the field of education? 3. Which teachers use the the various oral proficiency methods? Answer to question no. 1.; The teaching of oral proficiency in German is mainly characterized by the following features: - The aims realized mainly have a grammatical content. - Many teachers don't have a positive attitude towards innovations. - The choice of the educational appliances and the didactic ways of teaching is determined by the importance that is attached to grammar. - The following way of teaching is often used: the teacher stands in front of the class and teaches all the pupils the same things at the same time. - When oral proficiency in German is evaluated, not the grammatical aspect is the most important but rather the communicative aspect. Answer to question no. 2.: In Dutch educational circles two linguistically minded oral proficiency methods for German are used. No audio-lingual oral proficiency method was used. At the same time three oral proficiency methods were found that are more (ped)-agogically minded. Answer to question no. 3.: It appears that two oral proficiency methods are used especially by teachers who teach in schools that have a rather low level, and hardly by teachers who teach in schools that have a rather high level.

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