
In this study experiments were performed to evaluate the spray cooling performance of three different spray nozzles using gassy-subcooled (∼Tsub = 31°C) FC-72 as the working fluid. The three different nozzles tested can be characterized as a single hollow cone spray nozzle (Nozzle A), 2×2 jet array spray nozzle (Nozzle B) and a 4×4 jet array spray nozzle (Nozzle C). For all tests, a 10×10 mm polished (600 grit) copper surface was utilized as the heater and tests were carried out at near atmospheric pressure conditions. All three nozzles were tested at various flow rates and nozzle-to-heater distances and the results were compared. Results show that changing the nozzle-to-heater distance affects heat transfer rates more than critical heat flux (CHF). The spray boiling curves for all three nozzles were similar with Nozzle C, for some cases, demonstrating the highest heat transfer rates. The disparity in CHF values between the various nozzles was more apparent. Compared at an equivalent flow rate, Nozzle C consistently produced CHF values which were higher than those of the other nozzles. Some common trends observed for all nozzles are, increasing flow rate increases heat transfer rates and critical heat flux (CHF) but decreases nozzle efficiency.

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