
The Agency of Space and Spaces of Agency. Anthropological Remarks on the Methodology of Research on Polish Land Reform: The aim of this article is to discuss the category of manor space in the context of the PKWN land reform in Poland inaugurated in 1944. The main point of reference is the research of Anna Wylegała (Był dwór, nie ma dworu. Reforma rolna w Polsce, 2022) and Andrzej Leder (Prześniona rewolucja. Ćwiczenia z logiki historycznej, 2014). In line with the actor-network theory (ANT), space will be conceptualized as a material condition of possibility, contributing to the portrayal of villagers’ attitudes towards the land reform. In this context, Wylegała’s findings will be criticized for their involuntary reconstruction of hegemonic discursive frameworks. Also Leder’s refusal to recognize the active participation of rural residents in the events of the reform will be problematized. The last part of the work focuses on the category of emancipation in relation to the new position of villagers in the social hierarchy. In this context, attention will be paid to certain actions that may have intentionally sought to remain unseen at political and social level.

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