
We show two results related to finding trees and paths in graphs. First, we show that in $O^*(1.657^k2^{l/2})$ time one can either find a $k$-vertex tree with $l$ leaves in an $n$-vertex undirected graph or conclude that such a tree does not exist. Our solution can be applied as a subroutine to solve the $k$-Internal Spanning Tree problem in $O^*(min(3.455^k, 1.946^n))$ time using polynomial space, improving upon previous algorithms for this problem. In particular, for the first time we break the natural barrier of $O^*(2^n)$. Second, we show that the running time can be improved whenever the host graph admits a vertex coloring with few colors; it can be an ordinary proper vertex coloring, a fractional vertex coloring, or a vector coloring. In effect, we show improved bounds for Hamiltonicity and $k$-Path in any graph of maximum degree $\Delta=4,\ldots,12$ or with vector chromatic number at most 8. Our results extend the technique by Bjorklund [SIAM J. Comput., 43 (2014), pp. 280--299] and Bjorklund et al...

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