
Studying what triggers homophobic expressions such as “poofter” and “faggot” reveals that homophobia has significance far beyond it being a simple prejudice against homosexuality—homophobia is deeply implicated in the gender order and its influence on contemporary masculinities and male identity is comprehensive. Although clearly related to misogyny, antigay bias, and heterosexism, homophobia means much more. For young Australian males, homophobia is used to police the boundary between “ successful manhood” and those who, according to their peers, fail to “measure up.” From this perspective, the complex and problematic relationship between homophobia and men's sport becomes much clearer. A key factor that emerges is the pivotal importance of the discrediting power of homophobia, making it respected and feared (homophobiaphobia). The data reveal this to be a key mechanism though which homophobia exerts its extraordinary purchase on all men, gay and straight.

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