
The presence of women in the Hellenic Armed Forces is the continuation of a historical path that has been erased by the contribution of women to the struggles of the Hellenic people. At the same time, it is the practical confirmation of the position and role of women in Greek society. Where they serve, at all levels, perform in full their mission (Deputy Minister of Defence, Panagiotis Rigas). The purpose of this article is to bridge gender in Hellenic Military Academies through the study of the theories on gender, using the theoretical approaches to gender of Judith Butler (1999), Jay Coakley (2009) and the Dominant ideology (Marx theory). Following by the changes made through struggles of the feminist movement on both the Society and Sport Society. Whereas sport, is one of the most controversial field in our society, since it has been used for both recreational and social purposes such as improving moral development, leadership and philosophical athletic behaviors (Appleby & Foster, 2013). As for a military environment, sport (coed sports, volleyball, basketball, swimming) is important for gender integration in Hellenic Military Academies as it is an important factor, of high strategic military effectiveness. Article visualizations:

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