
The paper deals with fossil spores and pollen recovered from lignites (Eocene) of the Dandot coalfields, West Punjab (Pakistan). Ten different kinds of spores referred to the form genusTrilites and twenty types of pollen grains, classed underNonaperturites, Monocolpites, Dicolpites, Tricolpites,Tetracolpites, Hexacolpites, Septacolpites, Octacolpites andTriorites, have been described here. Some of the spores resemble those ofOphioglossum falcatum, O. vulgatum, Lycopodium alpinum, Schizostege Lydgatei, Doryopteris decora, Selaginella deflexa; some of the pollen on the other hand compare with those ofPotamogeton natans, Quercus robur, Hedera helix, Olea europœa,Pteropia, Tetraplasandra, Fraxinus americana, Nothofagus cliffortioidis,Lycopus europœus, Belula nana, B. tortuosa andCarpinus betulus. Most of these pollen so far as compared, appear to belong to trees and have a sculptured outer coat which according to some is a sign of zoogamous pollen.

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