
Spore suspensions from young (10–14 da; young spores) and old (4 mo; old spores) colonies of PColletotrichum dematium var circinans were placed on slides. Coverslips were left off, placed on in the normal manner, or supported on shims. Slides were placed in moist chambers and incubated in light or dark for up to 48 hrs. Germination and post-germination development were studied. Shimming had some beneficial effect on germination, especially for old spores in dark. In general, more germ-tubes and appressoria were produced on spores under shims than spores with other coverslip treatments. By 48 hrs more old spores under shims germinated, and greater numbers of germ-tubes and appressoria were produced than on other old spores under different coverslip treatments. However, numbers produced were lower than those predicted for comparably treated young spores. Spore age, incubation regime, and placement of coverslips did not affect germ-tube initiation. For all treatments more germ-tubes were initiated from spore tops than bottoms or tips. Fewer germ-tubes were initiated from spore centers than other locations on tops and bottoms, and from both tips than one tip. Approximately 26 % of all appressoria were produced sessile. A higher percentage of sessile appressoria were produced on old spores (80 %) than on young spores (20%).

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