
It is still an open question as to whether, and how, direction-selective neuronal responses in primary visual cortex are generated by feedforward thalamocortical or recurrent intracortical connections, or a combination of both. Here we present an investigation that concentrates on and, only for the sake of simplicity, restricts itself to intracortical circuits, in particular, with respect to the developmental aspects of direction selectivity through spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. We show that directional responses can emerge in a recurrent network model of visual cortex with spiking neurons that integrate inputs mainly from a particular direction, thus giving rise to an asymmetrically shaped receptive field. A moving stimulus that enters the receptive field from this (preferred) direction will activate a neuron most strongly because of the increased number and/or strength of inputs from this direction and since delayed isotropic inhibition will neither overlap with, nor cancel excitation, as would be the case for other stimulus directions. It is demonstrated how direction-selective responses result from spatial asymmetries in the distribution of synaptic contacts or weights of inputs delivered to a neuron by slowly conducting intracortical axonal delay lines. By means of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity with an asymmetric learning window this kind of coupling asymmetry develops naturally in a recurrent network of stochastically spiking neurons in a scenario where the neurons are activated by unidirectionally moving bar stimuli and even when only intrinsic spontaneous activity drives the learning process. We also present simulation results to show the ability of this model to produce direction preference maps similar to experimental findings.

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