
Prior studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, and magnetoencephalography have observed both structured patterns in resting-state functional connectivity and spontaneous longitudinal variation in connectivity patterns independent of a task. In this first study using electrocorticography (ECoG), we characterized spontaneous, intersession variation in resting-state functional connectivity not linked to a task. We evaluated pairwise connectivity between electrodes using three measures (phase locking value [PLV], amplitude correlation, and coherence) for six canonical frequency bands, capturing different characteristics of time-evolving signals. We grouped electrodes into 10 functional regions and used intraclass correlation (ICC) to estimate pairwise longitudinal stability. We found that stronger PLV (PLV ≥0.4) in theta through gamma bands and strong correlation in all bands (R2's ≥0.6) are linked to substantial stability (ICC ≥0.6), but that stability does not imply strong phase locking or amplitude correlation. There was no notable link between strong coherence and high ICC. All within-region PLVs are markedly stable across frequencies. In addition, we highlight interaction patterns across several regions: parahippocampal/entorhinal cortex is characterized by stable, weak functional connectivity except self-connections. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex connectivity is weak and unstable, except self-connections. Inferior parietal lobule has little stability despite narrow connectivity bounds. We confirm prior studies linking functional connectivity strength and intersession variability, extending into higher frequencies than other modalities, with greater spatial specificity than scalp electrophysiology. We suggest further studies quantitatively compare ECoG to other modalities and/or use these findings as a baseline to capture functional connectivity and dynamics linked to perturbations with a task or disease state.

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