
Sensory processing relies on the correct development of thalamocortical loops. Visual corticothalamic axons (CTAs) invade the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of the thalamus in early postnatal mice according to a regulated program that includes activity-dependent mechanisms. Spontaneous retinal activity influences the thalamic incursion of CTAs, yet the perinatal thalamus also generates intrinsic patterns of spontaneous activity whose role in modulating afferent connectivity remains unknown. Here, we found that patterned spontaneous activity in the dLGN contributes to proper spatial and temporal innervation of CTAs. Disrupting patterned spontaneous activity in the dLGN delays corticogeniculate innervation under normal conditions and upon eye enucleation. The delayed innervation was evident throughout the first two postnatal weeks but resumes after eye-opening, suggesting that visual experience is necessary for the homeostatic recovery of corticogeniculate innervation.

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