
Many North American peatlands previously mined for horticultural peat have been abandoned recently, allowing natural recolonization to occur. The two dominant methods for peat extraction, hand block-cutting and vacuum-mining, have created distinctly different abandoned surfaces, leading to different recolonization patterns. Both types of exploitation can be found throughout eastern Canada where we conducted a vast survey of 26 abandoned mined peatlands in the provinces of Québec and New Brunswick. The aim of this study is to describe the revegetation patterns and to assess the impact of local and regional variables as well as the time since abandonment on Sphagnum re-colonization. We inventoried the vegetation structure in all trenches (2571) and baulks (2595) of abandoned block-cut areas as well as in all vacuum fields (395) of the mechanically mined areas. We also conducted detailed species relevés in 242 of these peat fields. In comparison to vacuum-mined peatlands, block-cut peatlands regenerated remarkably well. Approximately 80% of all baulks and trenches in block-cut peatlands had 50% or higher cover of ericaceous shrubs compared with only 16% found on vacuum fields. Herb cover in the three types of abandoned fields was similar to that in natural peatlands. However, Sphagnum percent cover was below 2% in baulks and vacuum fields and was 30% on average in the trenches, which is clearly below cover estimates in natural peatlands. Sphagnum cover and richness were both higher in trenches with thin residual peat deposit, and Sphagnum richness increased with latitude. Our surveys revealed that abandoned mined peatlands have a high diversity of peatland vascular plants species and a low diversity of non-peatland species.Key words: cutover peatlands, regeneration, milled peatlands, block-cut peatlands, vacuum-mined peatlands, colonization patterns.

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