
Retroperitoneal and rectus sheath hemorrhage (RRSH) has been described as a potentially fatal condition with mortality rates of up to 30 % due to the risk of exsanguination in combination with often nonspecific clinical symptoms. Patients at risk are > 65 years of age as well as those receiving anticoagulation/antiplatelet medicine. Classifications based on etiology consist of trauma, surgery, and/or underlying vascular pathologies, though spontaneous occurrences without precipitating factors have been reported and are expected to increase with the high number of patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy. Analysis, summary, and discussion of published review articles and expert recommendations. The most commonly described symptom during clinical examination is abdominal pain. However, depending on the volume loss, clinical symptoms may include signs of abdominal compartment and hemorrhagic shock. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) with high sensitivity and specificity for the presence of active bleeding plays an important role in the detection of RH and RSH. Therapy management is based on different pillars, which include surgical and interventional measures in addition to conservative measures (volume replacement, optimization of coagulation parameters). Due to its lower invasiveness with simultaneously high technical and clinical success rates, interventional therapy in particular has gained increasing importance. Diagnostic and therapeutic workup of the patients by an interdisciplinary team is essential for optimal patient care. In case of transcatheter arterial embolization, a standardized approach to the detection of bleeding sites within the vascular territory of the core hematoma appears to favorably influence success and patient outcome. · The clinical presentation of retroperitoneal and rectus sheath hematomas can be very heterogeneous and nonspecific. Quick diagnosis is essential due to the relatively high mortality rate (approx. 12-30 %).. · The main risk factors are age > 65 years and the intake of anticoagulants, the use of which has increased 2.5 times in the last 10 years. Coagulopathies, retroperitoneal masses, and hemodialysis are less common causes.. · Computed tomography angiography (CTA) has a high sensitivity and specificity for the presence of active bleeding and has replaced diagnostic subtraction angiography (DSA).. · Treatment should be performed in a multidisciplinary setting with the inclusion of internal medicine, radiology, and surgery. The main indications for embolization are the detection of active contrast extravasation on CTA and the presence of abdominal pain. In cases without active bleeding and with stable vital parameters, conservative treatment measures can be sufficient. Surgical treatment is often reserved for treatment-refractory bleeding with symptoms of abdominal compartment.. · A systematic standardized approach to the detection of bleeding on DSA seems to have advantages regarding technical and clinical success rates.. · Becker LS, Dewald CLA et al. Spontaneous retroperitoneal and rectus sheath hematomas and their interventional therapy: a review. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2024; 196: 163 - 175.

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