
PURPOSE: To report the complete regression of a retinal astrocytic hamartoma in conjunction with tuberous sclerosis. DESIGN: Observational case report. METHODS: A 12-year-old boy with tuberous sclerosis, diagnosed early in life, was found to have a retinal astrocytic hamartoma in his left eye. He had bilateral optic atrophy because of long-standing increased intracranial pressure due to a cerebral giant cell astrocytoma. He was followed on a yearly basis with fundus photography and fluorescein angiography. RESULTS: At the time of initial presentation, the minimally elevated intraretinal tumor measured 2 × 1.5 mm. A year later, the same tumor measured 1.5 × 1 mm. Two years after initial presentation, the tumor totally disappeared. CONCLUSION: This patient has demonstrated that retinal astrocytic hamartoma may undergo spontaneous regression.

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