
The queen is recognised as an induced ovulator. Ovulation without male contact is generally regarded as spontaneous. The aim of this study was to provide an estimate of the incidence of spontaneous ovulation in a population of intact queens presented to a veterinary care facility for both reproductive and non-reproductive reasons. The secondary objective was to determine the roles of age, breed, body weight, presence of tom cats or other cycling queens, and physical contact with humans on triggering spontaneous ovulation, along with its implications. Serum samples from post-pubertal intact queens presented between January 2020 and June 2023 to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Padova, Italy, were retrieved and assayed for progesterone (P4) levels. Serum P4 above 2.0 ng/ml without a history of male contact was considered as proof of spontaneous ovulation. In total, 31 serum samples from 29 intact post-pubertal queens were obtained. Of the 31 samples, 14 had a P4 concentration above 2.0 ng/ml and 9/29 (31.0%) queens ovulated spontaneously. The mean age and weight of the nine spontaneously ovulating queens were 4.3 ± 5.7 years and 3.7 ± 0.8 kg, respectively. One queen ovulated spontaneously at her first heat at 6 months of age, which makes it the earliest spontaneous ovulation reported. As both our findings and previous publications indicate that the incidence of spontaneous ovulation in queens is consistently ⩾30%, cats should not be considered strictly induced ovulators, but as a species in which ovulation can be either spontaneous or induced. Since the risk of progesterone-dependent conditions (cystic endometrial hyperplasia - pyometra complex, feline mammary hypertrophy) is increased in these queens, veterinarians should be aware and advise breeders and clients accordingly.

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