
Widely distributed in the Middle Yangtze Platform, Longmaxi, Dalong and Dongyuemiao shales are the most potential target zones for shale gas development in south China. In this study, samples from these main shale gas-producing intervals, with a range of total organic carbon (TOC), mineral compositions, and thermal maturities (from mature to overmature), were selected from three shale gas wells in the Middle Yangtze Platform to investigate their pore structures and spontaneous imbibition characteristics. Mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) results show the pore throats in these organic shales are mainly within nanometer range, and the pores with pore-throat diameter of 3–50 nm account for 56.7%–73.1% of the total pore volume in mature Dongyuemiao Shale, which is comparative to 51.4%–82.7% for Dalong Shale but smaller than the 68.1%–86.5% range for overmature Longmaxi Shale, which is probably associated with abundance of organic matter-hosted pores in Longmaxi Shale. According to the different imbi...

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