
Scaling and universality in statistical physics.- Self-organized criticality and the perception of large events.- Dynamical aspects of sandpile cellular automata.- Steady state selection in driven diffusive systems.- Earthquakes and faulting: Self-organized crtical phenomena with a characteristic dimension.- Self-organized criticality in plate tectonics.- Experiments and simulations modeling earthquakes.- Fractal time-series and fractional Brownian motion.- 1/f noise, lattice gases, and diffusion.- Fluctuations in a Levy flight gas.- Spatio-temporal correlations in semiconductors.- New travelling and stationary chemical patterns in open spatial reactors.- Structure of layered systems under reactions.- Localized and blinking traveling wave patterns in a convective binary mixture.- Localized solutions of generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation.- Experiments on the Couette-Taylor flow with an axial flow.- Convection in microemulsions.- Routes to chaos in a dissipative chain of strongly coupled driven spins.- Localized structures and solitary waves excited by interfacial stresses.- Subcritical bifurcations and spatiotemporal intermittency.- Spatiotemporal intermittency in coupled maps.- Multifractals, multiscaling and the energy cascade of turbulence.- Smooth and rough turbulence.- Structure functions in a forest-fire model of turbulence.- Magnetic flux tubes as coherent structures.- Helium in a big box.- Scaling laws in weak turbulence.- Selforganization and instabilities in a system of magnetic hole pairs.- Universality in fully developed chaos, and statistics at small scales in turbulence.- Does dimension grow in flow systems.- Turbulent flows and coupled maps.- New Monte Carlo renormalization group method for phase transitions of lattice systems.

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