
BACKGROUND Only during the past 10 years have spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhages became a well-defined nosological entity. The surgical indication remeins debatable. Our primary objective in this study was to set the criteria for undertaking surgery by determining the critical diameter of the hematoma and considering the patients’ neurological status (Glasgow Coma Scale). METHODS During the 8-year period 1990 through 1997 a series of 50 consecutive patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage were admitted to the Emergency Neurosurgery Unit, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy). On admission all patients underwent a standard neurological examination, (Glasgow Coma Scale) and a computed tomographic scan. The diameter and the site of the hematoma, a coexisting tight posterior fossa, and the presence of hypertensive hydrocephalus were the criteria, in association with the patients’ neurological status, used as indications for surgery. RESULTS Operative mortality was nil; and perioperative mortality eight patients (16%, increasing to 24% including the four patients who were deeply comatose on admission). Most patients who died (seven of eight) had two or more general medical risk factors (arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus; arterial hypertension and liver disease; or liver disease and hematological disorders). CONCLUSION In patients presenting with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage the essential criteria indicating surgery are a hematoma 40 mm × 30 mm on CT imaging in the cerebellar hemisphere or 35 mm × 25 mm on CT imaging in the vermis, the presence of a tight posterior fossa (critical size reduced by 10 mm), and a Glasgow Coma Score less than 13.

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