
Solutions of the self-consistent equation for fermion propagator in a vector-gluon model are fully examined. The equation is characterized by a set of parameters, i.e., the coupling constant g, the bare mass of the fermion mo and the cutoff A. It is proved that with a suitable gauge chosen, the equation without ~utoff has solutions ·only in the case mo=O, It is then shown that, if g'/4n Bn, the normal-state solution for the equation without cutoff, even if it existed, should necessarily have an unphysical singularity. This fact implies that the normal-state solution becomes unstable for a su.fficiently large value of g'. § l. Introduction The. reason for success of low energy theorems obtained by current algebra and PCAC-treatment may be well understood in terms of chiral symmetry in which the pseudoscalar mesons play a special role among hadtons as the Nambu­ Goldstone (NG) bosons1l transforming nonlinearly under chiral transformation. On the other hand, in the composite hadron models based on SU(3) or SU(6), it is clear that there is no vital distinction between pseudoscalar mesons and others such as vector- and tensor-mesons. It is therefore worth expecting that the pseudoscalar NG bosons can also be interpreted as the bound states in con­ formity with the viewpoint of the composite model. . This homogeneity and· heterogeneity ot the pseudoscalar mesons to other mesons should rather be in­ vestigated by comparing their internal structure with composite particles· . . In this respect it would be meaningful to study a model in which spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry is realized by a composite NG boson: The Nambu­ Jona-Lasinio model2l is known as such an example. However, the use of chain approximation and the momentum cutoff inevitable for the local four-fermion

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