
ABSTRACTDipterocarp forests are a typical and widespread type of vegetation in tropical lowlands of southeast Asia that harbor a high diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi, including boletes. Based on molecular and morphological characters, a unique bolete found in Singapore associated with the dipterocarp Hopea odorata was proven to represent a new species in the proposed new genus Spongispora. Phylogenetic analyses of five loci indicate that Spongispora is nested in the subfamily Leccinoideae of the Boletaceae, most closely related to an inclusive clade of Leccinum, Leccinellum, Octaviania, Rossbeevera, and Turmalinea. However, genetic distances between Spongispora and genera in Leccinoideae are mostly higher than that between any two known genera in this subfamily, which supports the proposal of a new genus. Spongispora temasekensis is characterized by a whitish to pale yellow hymenophore that stains brown where injured, coarsely reticulate stipe, interwoven trichodermial pileipellis, and broadly elliptical to ovoid basidiospores with sponge-like ornamentation perforated by irregular clefts, cracks, and warts under scanning electron microscopy. Morphological descriptions, illustrations, and comparisons with allied taxa are made, and a key to the genera of the subfamily Leccinoideae is provided.

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