
Introduction:Carpometacarpal (CMC) dislocations are infrequent hand injuries that are often missed in the acute care setting, resulting in inappropriate treatment and significant morbidity. CMC dislocations occur in a volar or dorsal direction, and volar dislocations are traditionally subclassified as either volar-ulnar or volar-radial. While various treatment methods and injury identification techniques have been reported in the literature, there remains a lack of standardization in the treatment of these injuries. This case report reviews the current literature on the subject in an attempt to further our knowledge on the subject.Case Report:A 73-year-old right hand dominant male presented to the clinic complaining of persistent pain on the ulnar aspect of his left hand for the past 3 months. The injury had been missed in the urgent care and emergency settings before his arrival to the office. Radiographs demonstrated a volar-ulnar dislocation of the fifth CMC joint. The patient subsequently underwent open reduction with internal fixation to correct his deformity. Post-operative QuickDASH and grip strength measurements were gathered at post-operative visits.Conclusion:This paper provides a literature review on the diagnostic techniques and management options of the fifth CMC dislocations. It further provides a treatment algorithm for a chronic volar-ulnar fifth CMC dislocation being amenable to open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation with an excellent outcome.

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