
Tout moment de notre vie... se scinde en meme temps qu'il se pose. Ou plutot it consiste dans cette scission meme. . . Bergson. L'Eneyie Spirituelle Elle [la mm it is, rather, that each now, while still being now, is also a new now.5 In order to discern what is at issue in making this claim, we have to shift perspective slightly. We have thus far talked of the now in isolation. Clearly, however, the presentness of the now derives, at least in part, by way of its relation to what is not now. The newness of each now is, in truth, a mark of its difference from the now which preceded it, and indeed, from all the other previous nows which preceded each other in turn. Equally, the being-now of this experience distinguishes it from the nowness of any of those experiences which we may be about to live through. …

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