
Psittacine birds with haemorrhagic enteritis were submitted for pathological study. Histopathological examination revealed haemorrhagic enteritis and necrotic areas in the spleen, with amphophilic and basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in mononuclear cells of the spleen, intestinal cell infiltrate, endothelial cells of small vessels in spleen, intestine, lung and liver, and in a few hepatocytes. Thrombi were observed in intestinal capillaries. The clinical and pathological features of this outbreak resembled haemorrhagic enteritis of turkeys and immunohistochemical staining showed positive immunoreaction to group II avian adenovirus antigens in the intranuclear inclusion bodies. The possible relationship between the virus replication in endothelial cells and intestinal haemorrhages in avian adenovirus infection is discussed. This outbreak could represent a new pathological process in psittacine birds.

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