
SR-protein kinases (SRPKs) and their substrates, serine/arginine-rich pre-mRNA splicing factors, are key components of splicing machinery and are well conserved across phyla. Despite extensive biochemical investigation, the physiological functions of SRPKs remain unclear. In the present study, cDNAs for SPK-1, a C. elegans SRPK homologue, and CeSF2, an SPK-1 substrate, were cloned. SPK-1 binds directly to and phosphorylates the RS domain of CeSF2 in vitro. Both spk-1 and CeSF2 are predominantly expressed in germlines. RNA interference (RNAi) experiments revealed that spk-1 and CeSF2 play an essential role at the embryonic stage of C. elegans. Furthermore, RNAi studies demonstrated that spk-1 is required for germline development in C. elegans. We provide evidence that RNAi, achieved by the soaking of L1 larvae, is beneficial in the study of gene function in post-embryonic germline development.

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