
Spirobolbolaimus undulatussp. nov. is described in intertidal sandy sediment from the East China Sea. The new species is characterized by six jointed outer labial setae much thicker and longer than the four slender cephalic setae, anterior and posterior pharynx bulbs, sclerotized multispiral amphid fovea, eight longitudinal rows of postamphideal setae, gubernaculum apophysis and many precloacal supplements. The new species differs distinctly from the type speciesSpirobolbolaimus bathyalisin the presence (vsabsence) of jointed outer labial setae, eight additional small teeth, gubernaculum apophysis and many precloacal supplements and eight (vssix) rows of postamphideal setae. It differs from the other known congenerSpirobolbolaimus boucherorumin the jointed outer labial setae (vssetae with smooth outline), three main teeth with eight additional small teeth (vsonly three main teeth) and many distinct precloacal supplements (vsseven tiny papillate ones). We emend the diagnosis of the genusSpirobolbolaimusbased on the description.Microlaimus pecticaudaandMicrolaimus spiriferpossess two opposed reflexed ovaries, and thus are transferred from the family Microlaimidae toMolgolaimusof the family Desmodoridae:Molgolaimus pecticaudacomb. nov. andMolgolaimus spirifercomb. nov.

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