
1.Identify demographic factors related to spirituality and religiosity in PC health care providers from Latin America.2.Identify factors related to burnout in PC health care providers and the relationship with spirituality and religiosity. Spirituality(S) and religiosity(R) are common with Latino cultural values. These elements are essential in delivering Quality Palliative Care (PC). There is limited literature regarding Latin American clinicians’ spiritual and religious characteristics, or how these commitments shape their clinical engagement and presence of burnout. To describe the frequency, intensity and importance of self-reported S and R and burnout on the clinical practice of LAPC. From 6/1, to 12/31, 2017, a cross-sectional study using an anonymous and voluntary Online Survey was provided to active members of PC-Latin American-Association. We collected and analyzed data regarding demographics, personal and professional role of S and R and burnout. 221/353 members from 20 Latin American Countries participated, Response rate 63%. Median age 47(SD+/-12), 75% were women. 40% were Catholic. 58% were physicians, 19% nurses, 12% psychology, and other12%. The median time of working in PC was 9 years (+/-7). LAPC considered themselves spiritual (median: 8/10, range 0-10) and religious (5, 0-10). LAPC considered S/R very important in their lives (9/10, 0-10 and 6/10, 0-10), respectively. LAPC reported that S/R was a source of strength and comfort (9/10, SD+/-2), helped them to cope with their problems (8/10, SD+/-3), and helped them to keep their quality of life in a stressful work environment (8/10, SD+/-4), significant in those belonging to a church community (p=0.000), time working in PC (p=0.01), age (p=0.03). 190/221(86%) reported strongly/somewhat agreed with the statement: ‘‘I feel called to take care of patients who are dying’’. 31/221(14%) reported being Burned out. No significant difference among gender, profession, age, years in profession or in PC, or importance of spirituality and religion. Most of LAPC considered themselves spiritual and religious. Low percentage of LAPC reported presence of burnout. The “call” and feeling energized caring patients dying are associated with less burnout. More research is needed.

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