
This study assesses the availability and nature of psychiatry resident training in religion and spirituality across Canada. Evidence shows that religious and spiritual topics are important to psychiatric patients and that psychiatrist competence in approaching these topics is correlated to whether they have had previous training in them. Prior studies have shown a lack of training in religion and spirituality in Canadian psychiatry programs and recommended incorporation into psychiatry residency curricula. A survey was conducted, asking questions about the amount and type of training in religion and spirituality that was accessible to psychiatry residents in the 17 psychiatry residency programs in Canada. One response was sought from each institution by reaching out to the institutions' program directors and requesting that a knowledgeable faculty member complete the survey. Out of 14 responding psychiatric residency programs, 2 reported no training opportunities in religion or spirituality, 4 reported only voluntary training opportunities that were largely resident directed, and 8 reported mandatory training. The number of Canadian psychiatry residency programs providing mandatory training in religion and spirituality has increased since the prior published survey in 2003 and there are fewer programs reporting no training at all. However, overall, Canadian psychiatry institutions still place less emphasis on religious/spiritual education than recommended by the international psychiatric community. Several Canadian institutions report well-received implementation of curricula on religion and spirituality that could inform other Canadian institutions.

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