
The pilgrimage represents an important feature in the religious and social life of Copts in Egypt who used to make pilgrimage to the local shrines scattered all over Egypt to show veneration and glorification to God and saints. Beside these local visits, Copts usually have an annual mystical pilgrimage to the exceptional shrine of Jerusalem which occupies a distinguished place in the heart of every Christian, as it is the place that witnessed the different biblical events of the Christ’s life.One of the outstanding aspects of the Coptic pilgrimage to Jerusalem is the folk songs which are usually recited by women, describing all feelings and attitudes through the different stages of the journey from the very beginning until the end. They are composed of only two or three simple rhyming verses with fixed literary and melodic molds and are of unknown author or composer and have no written resource. These folk songs are a real embodiment of the personal piety of the Copts away from the political issues of the church. In spite of the political situation with Israel that affected the Coptic pilgrimage to Jerusalem, many Copts who are seeking for salvation still make this unforgettable journey to participate in the Easter rituals, offer sincere repentance for sins and proudly get the prestigious title of “muqades” or “the holy one”. This study aims to show these songs as a crucial part of a religious Coptic rite and also as an important intangible cultural heritage that must be preserved and revitalized.

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