
An open letter to the Catholic Diocese of Auckland, and via the Diocese, to the Pope. It lays out the ideation we could choose that if applied would make a difference to our free society. Ideas we choose to apply the set of our sail, emotions the wind in the sail. It follows society is unto us as a painting, a bridge, or a fine-dining dinner plate. The result of implementing the design specification in our mind. It further follows that social harmony, workable compromise, reduction in social tension and violence are issues of choice. Easy countered, if and only if we choose to apply ideas which inherently carry our choices. We know what does not work, applying ethics and self-discipline after our choice of ideas that carry intrinsic tension. It is the same as a single quality control review at the end of the assembly line, better than no quality control, but no-where near as good as quality control built into each component from the start. We need identify, agree, and apply ideas that intrinsically carry the values we seek. I have chosen to begin the discussion with the existing social leadership…religious, political, economic, and media. With focus on my own country and city. I hope you agree we all have a vested interest in a more productive, more fulfilling and less fractious society. I request pause, reflect and think about it. If it seems sensible, please circulate, and encourage others to reflect and think about it… We have immense collective potential but only in harmony, without friction and tension. I hope we can find agreement in the first step, with the starting idea on which we all agree.

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