
Background/Objectives: The objective of this study is to analyze the spiritual world of the Kazakh people, their traditions, ceremonies and rituals as they are represented in the films of Kazakh directors. Methods/Statistical Analysis: When studying and presenting the collected material the scientific description method was applied. Also special methods developed in the culturological object field found their application: methods of socio-cultural observations and reflections, culture genesis method. Empirical studies are based on the methods of generalization, reconstruction and interpretation of unpublished sources, the secondary analysis of the results of research conducted by other authors and published in the scientific literature. Findings: The study considers the body of ideas of spiritual and cultural values of the Kazakh people, including ancient traditions, customs and rituals. Specific features of the Kazakh people's mentality have been analyzed through the prism of their spiritual culture that has developed in the course of this people's history. The necessity to uncover the roles of old traditions and ceremonies in developing spiritual life and morality of the people has been identified and justified. Old traditions and rituals of the Kazakh people facilitate correct up-bringing of children and developing a healthy nation in general. Based on the results of the undertaken investigation, the authors suggest that a number of events of vital importance for every Kazakh should be considered in more detail. For example, the ritual of matchmaking and marriage, respect to the family hearth, the so-called cult of fire, respect to ancestors, the so called forefathers' cult, purification rite and the ceremony of entertaining guests, a ritual related to the birth of a child, etc. Definitions for all those rituals and rites have been given, their principal characteristics have been studied and their values and significance have been analyzed. Improvements/Applications: This study enhances the existing knowledge of ancient traditions, rites and customs of the Kazakh people and it will facilitate further investigations in the sphere of spiritual culture and morality.

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