
The subject of the study is the literary and spiritual heritage of F. Dostoevsky.The article is aimed at analyzing the need for spiritual and moral reform of modern states and the world order.The research methodology includes historical and legal analysis with an interdisciplinary approach, abstraction and mental modeling, ascent from the abstract to the concrete.The main results, scope of application. Dostoevsky brilliantly showed that the basis of society is love, that love implies freedom because it has divine-human nature. For the modern reorganization of the world, it is important to see the innermost essence of human being in freedom according to Dostoevsky. Individual status and freedom cannot be sacrificed to technology, the public needs, or the interests of the digital revolution. It is good when society relies, as Dostoevsky taught, on the Law of Christ, which becomes the inner nature of man, on the spiritual and moral traditions of the people, is built on the dignity and freedom of the individual, kindness and compassion. The freedom of the individual is the basis and principle of life of both the individual and any people. The basis of a common life should be love between individuals, and not external laws or the interests of society as such in order for the complicity of the individual in the life of society not to diminish individual dignity. At the same time, Dostoevsky consistently points out the irrationality of the nature of the individual, the impossibility of comprehending its meaning and place in society and the state by means of logical calculations only. Dostoevsky showed the futility of efforts to find an ethical criterion for the structure of a person's fate outside of religion. Even true knowledge can only be spiritual, it is identified with faith. Church membership, belonging to the Church, directly opposes egoism, which is sinful according to Dostoevsky. In terms of the development of the modern state and law these postulates imply the importance of this constitutionalization of spiritual and moral principles and institutions in the moral state, creation of constitutional bodies of spiritual and moral supervision over public power. And finally, in nation-building, it is important that its foundation remains reasonable. Following a tradition that embodies the cooperation of God and man presupposes a careful attitude to historical memory, the ability to renew within the framework of preserving the whole past.Conclusions. Any approach to states and the world order must be based on the principle of the divine-human nature of the individual, signifying his immutability and inviolability. Reflections on the spiritual and moral features of Russia, revealed by Dostoevsky, have a universal meaning and are especially important for the development of modern states and the world order.

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