
This presentation has two parts. The 1st section describes processes during pregnancy with unknown, underlying biochemistry. The 2nd section shows the role of spiral steroids (SS) in these processes. 1] Fetal nutrition is provided through the placenta. Plasma electrolytes are 145 mM Na+ and 3-5 mM K+. Fetal K+ requirements reach a maximum during the 3rd trimester and must be pumped into cells against the plasma- intracellular gradient. 2] During the 3rd trimester, aldosterone is present in fetal plasma but the signal for endothelial sodium channel (ENaC) synthesis is blocked, leading to fetal Na+ wasting. The mechanism is unknown. 3] After parturition, infants are fed by nursing. Human milk contains 100 mM K+ and 10 mM Na+. Newborn infants are Na+ wasting, despite normal levels of aldosterone. Na+ wasting ends during the 2nd week post-partum without change in serum aldosterone levels. Infant physiology changes from K+ saving to Na+ saving by an unknown mechanism.4] Pre-eclampsia syndrome (proteinuria and hypertension during the 2nd half of pregnancy) affects 3-5 % of pregnant women. These symptoms usually resolve after parturition. 5] Women who have had pre-eclampsia have long-term, excess risk of cardiac and renal disorders.In 2018, we discovered Ionotropin, a SS. SS are phosphocholine esters of steroids with a lactone E-ring, similar to that of spironolactone. SS compounds function as aldosterone antagonists and regulate the NaK-ATPase. SS are involved in each of the 5 steps.1] SS are present in high levels in cord serum and were probably present in fetal plasma throughout gestation. SS stimulate the NaK-ATPase to pump K+ into cells against the gradient, just as does spironolactone.2] SS interfere with aldosterone signaling, just as does amiloride. This leads to increased fetal Na+ wasting, which becomes amniotic fluid.3] SS disappear from the infant circulation during the 1st week after parturition and decrease to adult levels during the 2nd week post-partum. Simultaneously, Na+ wasting ends and growth resumes.4] Women with pre-eclampsia have excess precursors for SS. These would be converted to SS in the fetal-placental unit and, during the 3rd trimester, diffuse into the maternal circulation and could cause pre-eclampsia.5] Ouabain, a plant toxin with a lactone E ring, causes renal and cardiac disorders in rat models. In women with pre-eclampsia, persistent excess SS may cause long-term damage.During gestation, the fetus requires K+ for growth. Our theory is, if (when) a fetus has inadequate K+ (hypokalemia), [a] the mother is signaled to produce SS precursors, [b] the feto-placental unit converts the precursors to SS, [c] fetal SS increase K+ transfer into tissues, and [d] excess SS transfuse back into the maternal circulation and damage maternal organs. We propose that pre-eclampsia is a side effect of fetal efforts to increase supply of K+. There are many possible origins of fetal hypokalemia.

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