
This paper proposes efficient error concealment (EC) algorithms that use a spiral-like pixel reconstruction (SPR) scheme on the H.264/AVC joint model simulation platform. The algorithms provide low complexity and high accuracy, and their subjective and objective evaluation results are superior to those of extant EC algorithms. First, edge matching is applied to the boundary of lost macroblocks (MBs). Second, the directional edge group with the highest magnitude is selected and symmetric pixel referencing is performed along its orthogonal symmetry axis. Finally, the lost MBs are estimated using the novel SPR scheme with reference mode selection according to the edge ratio. Experimental results revealed that, compared with the extant edge-oriented PR approaches of EC, the proposed total- and partial-spiral ordering modes in pixel referencing can be used to reconstruct lost MBs, with a desirable decoder peak signal-to-noise ratio and high visual quality.

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