
The goal of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the complex dynamic scenario of spiral bevel gears by considering the torsional shaft stiffness. The dynamic model takes into account: time-dependent stiffness and non-smooth nonlinearity due to the backlash, i.e., teeth contact loss. The time-varying meshing stiffness is evaluated by means of a nonlinear finite element model, which allowed an accurate evaluation of the global and local teeth deformation in both directions: forward and reverse motions. Due to intentional tooth profile errors, e.g., profile modification, manufacturing error, or assembly error, the loaded and unloaded tooth contact analyses were conducted. The dynamic model was validated by comparisons with a verified SDOF model in terms of linear natural frequencies and nonlinear dynamic response. The present study provides amplitude frequency diagrams and bifurcation diagrams; for specific regimes, periodic, quasiperiodic, and chaotic responses were found. The dynamic behavior of the systems was evaluated using various tools such as modal analysis, nonlinear time series analysis, spectra, 3D-phase diagrams, and Poincaré maps. This study proves that decreasing the DOFs of the system can lose some dynamics. Different phenomena have been found such as trapping and boom-and-bust cycle. The dynamic response of different cases is evaluated by estimating the largest Lyapunov exponent and the correlation dimension. It is found that the system undergoes complex dynamic phenomena including nT-periodic, trapping, and aperiodic motions, which are evidenced in 3D-bifurcation diagrams, spectra, Poincaré maps, and 3D-phase diagrams. The chaotic motion found in this study is an undesirable behavior from a practical point of view, which can be avoided by adjusting the designed parameters. The results provide a basis for parameter design and dynamic characteristic control of the spiral bevel gear drive system.

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