
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been used to study the long wavelength spin dynamics of the high Tc amorphous ferromagnetic alloy Fe78B13Si9 (Metglas 2605S2). Spin waves were observed over the accessible wave-vector range of 0.06 Å−1≤q≤0.12 Å−1, for temperatures between 473 K (0.67 Tc) and 705 K (0.99 Tc). The magnon dispersion curves exhibit the conventional quadratic relationship E=D(T)q2+Δ, typical of an isotropic ferromagnet, where the small energy gap Δ≊0.05 meV is attributed primarily to the dipole-dipole interaction. An estimate of the T=0 value of D≊156 meV Å2 was obtained from a plot of D(T) vs T extrapolated to low temperatures, while the Curie temperature of 710 K was obtained from the extrapolation of D(T) to zero at high temperatures. Spin-wave linewidth data for T/Tc≊0.95 showed the q4 wave-vector dependence expected for magnon-magnon interactions.

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