
In the past year several groups have reported experimental evidence for spin-tripletsupercurrents in Josephson junctions containing strong ferromagnetic materials. In thispaper we present several new experimental results that follow up on our previous work. Westudy Josephson junctions of the form S/X/N/SAF/N/X/S, where S is a superconductor(Nb), N is a normal metal, SAF is a synthetic antiferromagnet of the form Co/Ru/Co andX is an ferromagnetic layer necessary to induce spin-triplet correlations in the structure.Our work is distinguished by the fact that the generation of spin-triplet correlations istuned by the type and thickness of the X layers. The most important new result reportedhere is the discovery that a conventional, strong ferromagnetic material, Ni, performs wellas the X layer, if it is sufficiently thin. This discovery rules out our earlier hypothesis thatout-of-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy is an important attribute of the Xlayers. These results suggest that the spin-triplet correlations are most likelyinduced by noncollinear magnetization between the X layers and adjacent Co layers.

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