
Projections from the spinal cord to the vestibular nuclei were examined following injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin, cholera toxin subunit B, or biotinylated dextran at various levels of the spinal cord in the rat. Labeled terminals were abundant after injections of the tracers into the C2 and C3 segments containing the central cervical nucleus. Labeled terminals were seen in the descending vestibular nucleus and the parvocellular, magnocellular, and caudal parts of the medial vestibular nucleus throughout its rostrocaudal extent. Labeled terminals were most numerous in the lateral vestibular nucleus throughout its rostrocaudal extent. The projections from the central cervical nucleus to the vestibular nuclei were exclusively contralateral to the cells of origin because the axons of the central cervical nucleus neurons cross in the spinal cord. Following tracer injections in the cervical enlargement, many labeled terminals were seen in the magnocellular part of the medial vestibular nucleus, but a few were seen in the lateral and the descending vestibular nucleus. Injections into more caudal segments resulted in sporadic terminal labeling in the magnocellular part of the medial vestibular nucleus, the descending vestibular nucleus, and the caudal part of the lateral vestibular nucleus. The results indicate that primary neck afferent input relayed at the central cervical nucleus is mediated directly to the contralateral vestibular nuclei. It is suggested that this projection serves as an important linkage from the upper cervical segments to the lateral vestibulospinal tract in the tonic neck reflex.

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